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Child Watch
We will watch your child for free for up to 2-hours while you workout during these hours!

adult with child



Monday-Saturday:        8:00 a.m. - 11 a.m


Monday-Thursday:       4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.



Guidelines and Rules for Babysitting

YMCA Babysitting is open to parents/guardians desiring to participate in the YMCA's activities. Baby sitting is a benefit to adult members of the YMCA. Non-members can use the Babysitting services for a fee while using the YMCA facilities and if space allows. Members have first priority. 


  • This service is available to any adult member who is the parent or guardian of a child 6 weeks through age 7 years old free of charge. Non-members will be charged $5 an hour, per child, per visit.  


  • All parents/guardians must sign their child in and out on a sign-in sheet, and must notify the staff where they will be located in the Bob Freesen YMCA.


  • The Babysitting staff has been instructed to pull out any parent/guardian form their activity if the child misbehaves, cannot be consoled, or needs a diaper change. Staff also has discretion to contact the member if staff assesses a child to be sick. (see Sick Child Policy)


  • The parent /guardian must remain in the facilities or on the grounds. If a member attends a YMCA program off site (i.e. tennis, CrossFit) then a cell number must be given to the Babysitting staff.


  • All parents/guardian will be give this information and they must fill out all necessary paperwork BEFORE leaving child with the babysitter.


  • Food – A bottle can be given by the staff only if provided a ready-made bottle by the parent. Spoon feeding is not allowed.


Sick Child Policy

Sick children will not be allowed in the babysitting program. Babysitting staff has the discretion to assess a child and determine it necessary for the child to be removed from babysitting. Being too sick includes, but is not limited to, the following:


  • Any condition that causes the child to cry uncontrollably, refuse normal patterns of eating, play and activity; or otherwise indicate that the child needs more individual care.

  • Any suspected or know communicable disease until treatment has occurred, and the child is no longer considered contagious (this includes lice).

  • Any unexplained temperature over 100 degrees in the past 24 hours.

  • Any unexplained diarrhea or vomiting in the past 24 hours

  • Any cold symptoms consisting of excessive, heavy, continuous nasal discharge or excessive deep or consistent coughing, sneezing or gasping.

  • Any unexplained rash or skin condition.



Staff members cannot give any medications





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